
Art doesn’t just result from skills, but often also requi­res sup­port. Therefore, we would like to thank all the peop­le that have hel­ped us with more than wor­ds and deeds.

Family Dr. Marga and Prof. Reinhard Kreckel from Halle/S.
Agentur Kappa GmbH
from Halle/S.
Mr. Martin Kuminek,
Adlerapotheke Gerbstedt
Family Trümmel, hea­ting sanitary/gardening
from Salzatal OT Naundorf
Rademacher Immobilien
from Halle/S.
Dr. Peter H. Puhlmann
from Halle/S.
Car dea­ler Dietrich
in Salzatal OT Schwittersdorf
Family Edith and Joachim Geuther
from Halle/S.
elec­tro­nic media & tele­com GmbH
from Halle/S.
FRANKE natu­ral stone GmbH
from Gerbstedt OT Friedeburg