Current works at Atelier Kirsch


Atelier Kirsch are Ursula Kirsch and Dietmar Kirsch. Among their com­mon art­work are woo­den sculp­tures, reli­efs and deco­ra­ti­ve objects. Dietmar Kirsch cuts out dif­fe­rent kinds of wood, which are then later on oil pain­ted by Ursula Kirsch. In the mean time, Ursula Kirsch has dedi­ca­ted herself inten­si­ve­ly to pain­ting and the gra­phic arts.

Dietmar’s field of exper­ti­se is the design and pro­duc­tion of sta­ble and ele­gant toys sui­ta­ble for child­ren as well as jewel­lery made of valu­able woods.

The the­mes of the art works emer­ge from expe­ri­en­ces and fan­ta­sies. They revol­ve around nice moments with fri­ends and child­ren, around cir­cu­ses, theat­re, fes­ti­vi­ties and natu­re throug­hout all the sea­sons. Atelier Kirsch of cour­se also takes into account the wis­hes of the cli­ents.

When a sculp­tu­re is crea­ted, not­hing plea­ses us more than kno­wing that it is being held, unders­tood and that it enab­les the behol­der to for­get about ever­y­thing for a moment. It makes the nume­rous hours we –pas­sio­na­te­ly– spent struggling with “wood and colour” all worth it.

Exhibition times at Atelier Kirsch